Sunday, January 22, 2017

2nd Week in Falfurrias, TX, 2017

At the beginning of week 2, 3 of our crew began working on a second house that needed a few repairs.

This is the home with some rotten facia and porch supports

and a shed in back has roof issues

The back porch also needs some tlc including paint.
and this back door needs a little extra tlc.
Bob begins work on this area

while Paige and Judy begin painting the replacement parts.

The facia on the rear also needs to be replaced.
The finished results of the new and painted trellis

and the repaired and repainted rear door.
Meanwhile, back at Robert and Mary's house work continues with tearout and repair of the outside of the house.
Ralph, Virginia and Bev begin the tearout on the south wall

with the assistance of Illiana, daughter of the owners.

And Al, with the assistance of Mike (owner's nephew) continues raising the sill plates and replacing damaged material.
With the south wall open, we have new opportunities to replace or increase the electrical wiring so Stel gets her chance to crawl through the attic
and runs new lines through the south wall.
The recepticle in the master bedroom also required replacement
and the new hole requires a patch for the old.
Roger, Gary and Robert (the owner) install OSB to the south wall
While Avis adds siding to the northwall with the assistance of Virginia and Bev.
Bev gets practice on sabre saw work with Avis as the teacher.
Virgina and Bev move their paint booth to the barn due to rain or mist.

Virginia applying the ever needed caulk
as does Ralph.
Roger continues with siding removal while Stel and Al await access for electrical work and sill plate repair.
During siding removal, it was discovered that the studs in this area are too damaged by insects to support windows or siding so Gary and Avis begin tearout and replacement
and this is the result of their work.
Gary, Stel and Avis cover the east wall (front) with OSB after the insulation was installaed.
Jodi getting lesson on cutting out the OSB to finish the top.
Roger and Al apply house wrap to the OSB they installed behind the electrical panel.
Stel and Ralph installing house wrap on the south gable end.
Gary and  Robert reinstall the windows on the front.
In the meantime, Stel has patched the walls around electrical connections
and tried to match the texture of existing finish.
The front door had not been opened in 7 years and in order to open it, we broke the old latch so Stel installs a new one. 
At the end of the week, we all headed to the Gulf/bay for seafood.
A good time for fun and food
and great surroundings on this rainy day.

On the way home, we stopped to see and listen to the Snow Geese and the Sand Hill cranes.
And we were finally able to get a complete group picture.  From the left in the front are Virginia, Avis, Bev and Jodi.  In the second row from the left are Ralph, Stel and Judy.  In the Back row are Gary, Roger, Paige, Bob and Al.  With a full tummy, we will relax for the weekend and get ready for another adventure on Monday.  

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