Sunday, October 1, 2017

First week at MMDC 2017

This is our NOMADS team for the first week at the Midwest Mission Distribution Center in Chatham, Illinois.  From the left in the front row are Jodi, Janan, Joyce, Kathy and Brenda.  Second row from the left are Mary, Stel, Jennifer, Esther, Avis, Bev, Bill and Wayne.  Back row from the left are Ron, Duane, Jim, Gary and Bill.

It's hot here so everyone finds an inside job.  Brenda and Bev are unpacking supplies for flood buckets.

Mary and Jennifer are sorting material

as are Joyce and Janan

Jodi is unpacking personal hygiene supplies.

Bill and Wayne are repairing the woodshop exhaust system.

Gary is routing boads to prepare for cutting as desk parts.

Esther, Avis and Stel are patching holes in bleacher boards after routing

as is Kathy.

Jim is refurbishing a used trailer to be sent to Minnesota to collect donated supplies and

Ron is working on the outside of the trailer.

Gary is explaining the desk building process to Duane who is new to MMDC

while Stel applies blocks to the boards to prefab desk parts.

Bev and Brenda are prepping materials for cleaning buckets

as are Mary, Jennifer, Janan and Joyce

and Jodi as well.

Wayne is in the bike shop attempting to repair donated bicycles.

Kathy and Esther have moved up to the paint room to sand and apply polyeurathene to previously constructed desk parts and 

so is Duane

and Bev and Avis.

Bill and Bill are contructing the frame for office remodeling and

installing it over existing rooms in the main office and

Bill, Bill and Wayne cover the framing with plywood.

The weather has broken so we head outside for landscape work.  Jim and Brenda begin removing weeds and stone from the landscape bed 

as is Ron.

Stel is trimming back the bushes.

Duane and Jennifer are cutting down a dead pine tree and

hauling it to the burn pile.

Bev is helping to pull weeds and

Jim is wheeling the stone to fill in a driveway to the shed while

Stel levels the stone.

Returning to the warehouse, Duane and Mary and Jennifer and Joyce are filling cleaning buckets

as is Jodi

and Janan.

Once the buckets are filled and piled on a pallet, the automatic wrapping machine  shrink wraps  the pallet for shipping. That's all the time we have this week so we're off for weekend activities.

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