Sunday, January 17, 2016

Falfurrias, Texas - Week 1

Our hosts for the project in Falfurrias, TX is the First UMC.
The church has provided hookups for our RVs in their rear parking lot.  They are also the source of the project by providing the funding and organization of a community outreach program to help needy residents in their area.

This year's project is the home of an elderly widow.  The house is in bad need of paint,

windows are broken and poorly protected,

siding is rotted and insect damaged,

and porches and ramps are rotted and collapsing.

Stel and Jan begin tearing out the back porch and ramp

Judy begins removing nails from pieces that may be reused while Jodi takes the unusable pieces to the trash area.

We also began removing rotten  siding boards on the side of the house
and on the rear of the house.
Gene, Jerry Letti,Dave and Judy also began assessing needs on the front porch.

Jerry, Gene and David began removing the corner post and unsound floor boards on the porch.

Damaged trim pieces are removed.

new trim pieces salvaged from old pieces are added and a new sill made from other scrap material.
Dave and Stel begin building the new side deck and replacing siding.

Progress is being made.
Judy and Jodi begin painting siding and trim with primer
and Judy begins final painting the trim pieces.

Judy working on removing peeling paint,

as are Letti and Jan

and Jodi  helping remove siding.
Jan also cutting out damaged siding with  Stel holding on.
Gene beginning the replacement of porch supports.
Gene and Jerry preparing to cover the front windows with new plywood.  The owner has had her home broken into several times and wants the windows covered for her protection.  Our role will be to attempt to make it look more natural.
Gene and Jerry covering windows with guidance from Joel who is the liason to the church's outreach program.

With a busy first week behind us, we all drove over to the Gulf for an evening meal

at "The Famous King's Inn".

Our crew, from the left, Gene, Letti, Jan, Jerry, Dave, Judy, Jodi and Stel.  (Don't know who that other guy is.)  More to come next week.

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